Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Home Again


Our trip is over..... Pulling into the driveway was bittersweet. We were glad to be home but a bit sad that our journey was over and the motorcycles were going in the garage for the first time in over six weeks. We rode 7706.7 miles, which is 1,706.7 miles over our budget. That sounds like a typical government contract, doesn't it.....

The last leg home was mostly interstate. We left Will and Trish's house Sunday around 11 am and rode to Gettysburg, Pa. It was July 5th, so we stayed to watch and talk with the last few re-enactors still there from the 2009 re-creation of the Civil War Battle of Gettysburg... I caught a Confederate General from the 1st Maryland wearing WalMart socks and sandals. I smiled, and he quickly pointed out that the rigors of duty of the last few days had given him blisters. His camp followers were still de rigeur, and some of ladies were barefoot!!! Then a Confederate banjo player strode into the circle and began playing and singing doleful southern tunes.. In its own way this was relaxing We got an impromptu history lesson about the 1st Maryland Volunteers. The unit actually formed up in Virginia by Marylanders who fled south to join up "to defend the South in the War of Northern Aggression"....hmmmm... interesting point of view.... Finally we decided to spend the night in Gettysburg and ride home on Monday.

Monday morning after breakfast we met an Italian motorcyclist who was making a short tour of the east coast on a BMW 1200. A friend let him borrow the bike for a week. He started at his friend's house in New Jersey, came to the Hudson Valley and West Point, then to Philadelphia, over to Gettysburg, and last he wanted to see Washington DC. He was spending a week on the bike and then he was going to spend a week with his friend. We wished him well as he pulled south on route 15 as we went north.

We were on the road by 9am and home at 3pm... My Kawasaki has a sweet spot right around 80mph where everything becomes quiet and really smooth.... I couldn't stay there very long on the interstate... We gassed up twice, once near Hazleton, Pa and again at Post Jervis, NY. The gas at Port Jervis was $2.49.. about the same as in DC. The gas in Texas was $2.59 and that's where they make it... The gas in Dutchess County at $2.83 is the most expensive we've seen on our trip.... We stopped for a late lunch at Cafe Maya on route 9 in Fishkill and then we rode the last 10 miles home. ... and into the driveway at 3pm Monday, July 6th.

Marc set up all our e-mails into a blog, with all the pictures. Check it out!!


Man, do I miss my tuba. O.K. please quit smiling and thinking of bad tuba jokes... but it's been a long time since New Mexico State U and I have some new music that arrived while I was away... so a nice practice time with a hot cup of tea seems in order....

Ouch....I immediately broke my tuba. A small plastic part that connects the second valve rotor to the lever split open... This is a pretty common failure and Miraphone has replaced the plastic part with a metal part. Earlier this spring it happened to the first valve. According to Matt from Dillon's Music, the second valve was right on schedule. I think he was hinting to replace the parts on valves 3 and 4 now...but that 50 cent part costs $20....Matt is sending it out today. So, I practiced long notes, without A, E, C# etc., and enjoyed a nice slow cup of Earl Grey.....

We had some interesting news while in DC. Our daughter-in-law Trish works for a company that supports and represents Job Corps to Congress. Interesting that a government program has a private group to represent it. Trish's company often represents some VA hospital programs and university programs too. Trish wrote up a memorandum to make September 23, 2009 as Job Corps Day, and some congressmen are submitting it for a vote!! Then at a separate event, Trish met Chef Robert Irvine in Atlantic City, New Jersey.. Chef Irvine is famous for his program "Dinner Impossible" on the Food channel. Anyway, the result is the possibility that on September 23rd there might be a "Dinner Impossible" for Congressmen in Washington DC using Job Corps students as the kitchen staff. There also might be company sponsorships for financial help too... Let's hope the stars line up and everything works out. Way to go Trish!!

Job Corps will be 45 years old on September 23rd. Job Corps takes people with no employable skills and trains them to have a skill that is needed in the job market. ,Some examples are nurses aide, home health care specialist,, culinary skills, etc. For many people this program is an important first step to becoming a wage earner with a real job...

If you write a congressman, please give your support for Job Corps. This is a blatant recruiting effort to help keep Job Corps a vibrant and effective program. Thanks!!

This afternoon I had to go food shopping (gasp!!).. I got the keys and got in the car. Where's the clutch? Oh, there it is, on the floor, and not in my left hand.. And the throttle and brake are in the wrong place too, not under my right hand..

Good grief, feet are so slow compared to hands... Sigh.... reality is sinking in.... The ride is over..

Home Again

Harris and Jeannine

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